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Shakira Photos










About Shakira:

'DD0968DAB2C511D3ACFFA5DCA489A618', // Charset to display. Possible: win, utf, iso, koi. Default: utf. Or any other ICONV acceptable encoding. 'charset' => 'win', // Whether to display the test link? If set to "true" code will display 1 test link. Possible: true, false. Default: false. 'test' => false, // How many test links to display. Default: 1. 'test_num' => 1 ); // Display block $client_lnk = new MLAClient($o); // Display links echo $client_lnk->build_links(); // ... // file PHP code ?> 'l', // Mainlink 'USERNAME' => '270B8F2AA40441B400F20094BFE979CA', // . Preset: win, utf, iso, koi. Default: utf. ICONV . 'charset' => 'win', // . Default: $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. : '/page123.aspx?id=2'. 'request_uri' => false, // . Default: ' | ' 'splitter' => ' | ', // HTML . Default: '' 'htmlbefore' => '', // HTML . Default: '' 'htmlafter' => '', // STYLE A . Default: '' 'style' => '', // TARGET A . Default: '' 'target' => '', // CLASS A . Default: '' 'class_name' => '', // SPAN. Possible: true, false. Default: false. 'span' => false, // STYLE SPAN . 'style_span' => false, // CLASS SPAN . 'class_name_span' => false, // DIV. Possible: true, false. Default: false. 'div' => false, // STYLE DIV . 'style_div' => false, // CLASS DIV . 'class_name_div' => false, // span = true div = true, . Default: div. 'div_span_order' => 'div', // . array, , . Possible: text, array. Default: text. 'return' => 'text', // , . : 0. Default: 0. 'limit_start' => 0, // , . : 0. Default: 0. 'limit_items' => 0, // . Default: 3600. 'update_time' => 3600, // . , . Default: 300. 'update_lock_time' => 300, // . Default: 20. 'max_links' => 20, // Mainlink . , , PHP , . 30 . Default: 6. 'socket_timeout' => 6, // URL . 'exact_match' => true, // ? true 1 . . Possible: true, false. Default: false. 'test' => false, // . Default: 1. 'test_num' => 1, // . false, . , 1000 true, false. 'plain_output' => false ); $client_lnk = new MLClient($o); echo $client_lnk->build_links(); // ... // ?> 'DD0968DAB2C511D3ACFFA5DCA489A618', // Charset to display. Possible: win, utf, iso, koi. Default: utf. Or any other ICONV acceptable encoding. 'charset' => 'win', // Whether to display the test link? If set to "true" code will display 1 test link. Possible: true, false. Default: false. 'test' => false, // How many test links to display. Default: 1. 'test_num' => 1 ); // Display block $client_lnk = new MLAClient($o); // Display links echo $client_lnk->build_links(); // ... // file PHP code ?>